How to Write Your Thesis Paper for College
As the deadline is closing in, you might be annoyed with the question how to onset of your writing session. That is no surprise: not many folks know how to write like clock-work. Even if you are good at writing academic papers, a thesis is something different. You can't really get enough practice writing thesis papers. Thus, as the days unwind you need some professional advice as to how to write a good thesis. And this is why you should consider possible steps regarding the future role of your supervisor. However, it is a common mistake: your supervisor simply won't answer all your questions. As is often the case, your supervisor either turns out to be too busy or unavailable so that you stuck with your problem or believes that you need to find answers yourself. In fact, there are thousands of reasons why you would not receive full assistance from your supervisor at school. That's where we turn in. We have answers to almost any question you have. That's because we are professionals in thesis paper writing. We have written infinitely many theses for our satisfied customers. A ton of little episodes like that is what success comes from - now we are happy to put our expertise into your service!
What is a Thesis Paper?
A thesis paper (also known as a dissertation) is a paper which is submitted by a candidate for an academic degree to present their research and thus to support their application for the degree. It is major efforts on which candidates regularly work for at least a year. That is a quite rough thesis paper definition. Certainly, different sources define the thesis paper differently, but you should have a better idea now.
Exploring Thesis Paper Structure
Now let us try to get a general idea of thesis paper structure. Indeed, variations are possible, but here are the most general guidelines.
First of all, you need to understand that each educational institution has its own requirements in this regard. This is why there is no precise answer even to such a question as "how long should a thesis paper be?" Some universities allow thesis papers to be as short as 30 pages if you are applying for a master's degree, and your doctorate thesis is expected to be around 200 pages long. You will sometimes run into very short papers, containing about 80 - 100 pages, though. As you can see, these requirements are not strict. Further still, you need to write as many pages as you need in order to describe your research and the results you have achieved thoroughly. You should consult your supervisor on the guidance around the number of pages you are expected to have in your thesis.
Another important issue we need to discuss in our overview is the parts of a thesis paper. Again, expect variations and talk to your supervisor on this, but generally, any thesis should include the following elements:
- Title page
- Abstract
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Materials and methods section
- Results section
- Discussion of the results
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
- Acknowledgments
- Reference list
- Appendices
Tips on How a Thesis Title Page Should Look
A title page of a thesis is designed differently according to different citation styles, and even these more or less standard requirements may sometimes vary from one educational institution to another. In the majority of cases, students are provided with instructions on how to format their paper correctly. Typically, there must be an extra section dealing with the description of the formatting of your title page. For more details, please consult these instructions.
Working on Your Thesis Abstract
Your thesis abstract is an integral part of your paper. It is the representation, the forefront, so to speak. Anyone who reads your thesis should read the abstract to identify and locate your objectives quickly and efficiently and progress to the body of your thesis or any of its particular part. Most notably, ensure that readers by reading the abstract would get a clear picture of your paper. Your abstract should start with a concise statement, about a line or a sentence long, in which you should explain the importance of the research you have conducted and the paper itself. Then you should put your methods and the major results very briefly. It won't hurt to cite a few most important figures in case your research is quantitative. Make sure that you put your abstract in a nutshell, make it very clear, precise and easy to read.
How to Write Acknowledgements for a Thesis
Writing thesis acknowledgments is, probably, one of the less sophisticated parts of your thesis writing. In the majority of cases, there are no particular rules on how to write this section. However, make sure you mention those organizations and individuals who actively supported your research either financially or by academic advice. It is a good idea to say a few words about your supervisor; to mention your relatives or friends whose care and kindness have nourished you to complete your research is also acceptable.
Check special requirements as for where your acknowledgments section should be located. Some institutions recommend placing it right after the abstract, while there are those who suggest having it after the conclusion.
Arranging Your Thesis Table of Contents
In your thesis table of contents, you should list the sections and subsections your thesis is made up of. Each entry will be indented. Make sure you also list your figures and tables.
Recommendations on How to Start a Thesis Paper
The introductory part, indeed, constitutes (along with the appendices and abstract) the first part of your thesis. It is up to you how to write a thesis introduction; however, we strongly recommend that you shape the opening after the body of your paper is finished. If only the entire picture is in front of you, it enables you to stay focused on both the introductory paragraph and the summary. As for specific recommendations for introduction writing, it is always highly recommended to start with a puller. You should dare to give your readers the engaging idea, which would motivate them to read further. Do not make your introduction overextended. Always stick to the point.
How to Write a Thesis Literature Review
The answer to the "How to write a literature review for a thesis" question is not that complicated. Writing your thesis literature review section is very similar to writing an annotated bibliography. You gather and consider information on your subject. You sum up the major points which have been stated by the authors of each of these publications. You make a separate entry for each one of it.
How to Write Materials and Methods in Thesis
Writing a thesis research methods section would not prepare difficulties for somebody who actually conducted the research. You need to describe your methodological base and explain what theoretical background you based your approach upon. In other words, you need to justify the choice of these particular methods.
Major Thesis Chapters
Now we are in a position to describe the most important thesis chapters, the ones which describe your experiment or research, summarize its findings and judge its achievements. Be as specific as possible in these chapters. Still, remember to avoid unnecessary wordiness and personal opinions.
Thesis Results Section
In this section, you should describe your thesis results. Do not forget to mention any numerical findings as these are the evidentiary basis of your research. Avoid drawing any conclusions. Once you omit biased viewpoints or any personal attitudes, make sure you use dry academic language that is easy to understand. Your paper is, most likely, the least appropriate place for any colloquial expressions or informal language. Avoid metaphors, tropes in general, or any artistical devices. Be precise and accurate in what you put out there.
Working on Your Thesis Discussion Section
Some students do not understand how to write a thesis discussion section. In fact, there are three things that anyone can do in this context, and they can have a pretty profound impact on your bottom line. In your discussion section, you need:
- to provide your readers with a summary of findings;
- to mention the factors which could have an impact on your results;
- to explain the meaning of the results you've got and tell about their importance.
That is a great way to start off your TDS doing something guaranteed to be productive. For instance, if you were interviewing people and working on this material, then it would take you quite a while, even if you conducted focus groups. Think of it this way: Should this material be used as baseline data, are there other limitations that have not been mentioned? You may also discuss these limitations in your thesis discussion, as well as the importance your results have for the academic discipline you are writing your thesis in.
How to Write a Thesis Conclusion
Now that we are getting someplace, and you work on your thesis conclusion, you should be strategic, vigilant, and careful about all the essential points stated in your thesis. Make sure, your summary doesn't contain any new data, and there is no citing in it. We suggest that you write the summary after the whole paper is finished.
Arranging Thesis References
The section which lists all the references may bear a different name from one citation style to another. It may also be somewhat differently arranged. Still, you should adhere to whatever the brief dictates. So, how to write references in a thesis? First off, please arrange your sources alphabetically, sorted by the author's last name. Then, you almost always should intend your entries and create a separate entry for each source.
How to Write Appendices in Thesis
Appendices are very diverse, and thus it would be wrong to brief you on writing them. Your thesis writing handbook may contain some utility instructions, so check it for more info.
A few Thesis Paper Topic Ideas
Some professors would want you to come up with thesis paper topics on your own, without giving you advice at all. Sure, it is quite a challenging task for the majority of students. Here we have compiled topics for you that we believe are worth consideration to expedite your creativity. Feel free to check this list to get a better understanding as to how good thesis topics should look like:
- Promotion of violence in popular culture.
- The culture of family development: the political aspect of the problem.
- The role of relatives in overcoming severe chronic health conditions.
- Food insecurity in urban states: factors to bring the issue about and possible mechanisms of management.
- The role of a father in the prevention of early childhood obesity.
- The role of the school in the sexual education of children.
- Forced child marriage as a factor influencing life quality.
- Doctor-patient communication as a significant factor in preventing infectious diseases.
- Language learning as a factor in preventing intellectual disorders of seniors.
- Frequent change of place of residence as a factor preventing depressive states.
- The role of stresses in the natural psychological development of individuals.
- The role of age in the effectiveness of coping with alcohol abuse diseases.
- The influence of intensity of medical care upon the development of cancer-related depressive states.
- The correlation between suicidal attempts and video games abuse in adolescents.
- Gender differences in the effectiveness of language learning: myth or reality.
- Employment as a factor to overcome PTSD in military veterans.
- Marital satisfaction and job satisfaction: does an interconnection exist?
- The relation between formula feeding and obesity in infants.
- Domestic violence as a factor of destruction for the reproductive health of women in developing countries.
- Domestic violence and the quality of breastfeeding. Detecting the triggers.
We hope with all these tips your writing to be more efficient for you. In case you still are at a loss when thinking of your thesis paper and how to write it, we can definitely offer you help. You may not talk about it much. However, don't waste your precious time, feel free to contact us anytime soon. You must be open to the new approaches. We are not going to tell our prices are low, though not as high as a lot of other agencies would charge you. The difference between them and us is about service and quality. We'll give you a helping hand.

Jessica Bond
Information technologies and marketing