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Opinion Essay Writing Tips - Resourceful Guide

Just like any other essay, the opinion essay includes several parts, of which the most common ones are the introduction, main body, and conclusion. Keep in mind that it's your opinion that matters here, so be sure to select the subject that you find interesting and insightful. When writing about other people's viewpoints, do not hesitate to use phrases like, "Some people think," before stating whether you agree or disagree with them. There are several stages involved in writing an effective opinion essay, such as drafting, writing, and proofreading.

  • The Do's in Opinion Essay writing
    • It should be written in a formal form.
    • Each paragraph should start with a new point, outlining the main ideas.
    • Avoid stating viewpoints that express advantages and disadvantages.
  • The Don'ts in Opinion Essay writing
    • Avoid using short terms.
    • Informal expressions should not be used.

This type of essay requires the writer to express either their agreement or disagreement with somebody else's viewpoint. Be sure to provide good motives for your ideas, supporting them with examples and facts. It's always a good idea to use phrases like 'in addition,' 'to sum up,' and 'first of all' at the beginning of a new paragraph.

Your essay should be comprised of well-organized and easy to read paragraphs.

  • Introduction.
    Provide an opinion and introduce a topic, stating whether you are in support or against it.
  • Main body.
    Include 2 or 3 paragraphs, providing in each of them your opinions and reasons for supporting or disagreeing with said opinions.
  • Conclusion.
    Provide a summary of all points by reintroducing and paraphrasing your thesis statement.

Writing an Opinion Essay Like an Expert

An opinion essay is the one where the writer can freely state their viewpoint (thoughts, feelings, or beliefs) on a selected topic. It can also be referred to as the commentary or persuasive essay because at the end of it the reader should become convinced that your opinion makes the most sense for them. The opinion essay definition is pretty self-explanatory - it only focuses on one opinion. What matters here is how well you can support your idea without weighing up advantages and disadvantages involved.

Writing an opinion essay can be really helpful to the student, provided they follow these simple steps:

  1. Brainstorming
    Once you are sure that you understand the selected topic, it is a good idea to jot down ideas as they come quickly.
  2. Planning
    Trivial points should be eliminated, and all the matching ideas should be put together.
  3. Fast writing
    Quickly write down the ideas without paying much attention to grammar and stylistic mistakes.
  4. Drafting
    Leave room for comments on the margins. You can even use your pencil for taking notes.
  5. Improving
    Use adverbs and adjectives to strengthen your essay. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Before coming up with a presentation for your opinion essay, be sure to check that:

  • All the ideas are clearly stated and supported with examples or facts.
  • There are no spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Put yourself in the reader's shoes to see if the essay makes sense to your audience.

The essay should be carefully proofread, attractively formatted, and neatly structured.

The opinion essay outline is very simple, and it doesn't differ much from other essays'. The only notable difference is that there should be five paragraphs in your essay, namely:

  • Introduction (paragraph 1)
  • Main body (paragraph 2, 3, 4)
  • Conclusion (paragraph 5)

Opinion Essay Structure

The opinion essay usually follows the standard five-paragraph structure:

  1. Paragraph one. Also referred to or known as the introduction.
  2. Paragraph two, three, four. These are called the main body of the essay paper.
  3. Paragraph five. This is the conclusion.

Figuring out how to start an opinion essay is pretty tricky because you should come up with a hook or something that will make your audience decide to continue reading. Therefore, you should provide all information in support of your idea, arranging your points in a manner that best suits you. It is up to you to decide which of the ideas you want to begin with, which of them will be in the second main paragraph, and which ones should be included in the third.

A lot of students want to know how to write a good introduction for an opinion essay because this an important paragraph to the reader. It actually provides them with a glimpse of what the essay is all about and whether it is worth reading. State your viewpoint in a manner that grabs the reader's attention, making sure not to hurt anybody's feelings. When writing the opinion essay introduction, state your personal opinion and provide supporting evidence to make your case stronger and more convincing. Introduce the selected topic using brief yet meaningful sentences, thus making the reader prepared for any background information that will follow.

Be sure to carefully present the opinion essay thesis statement in the first paragraph, so the reader has no difficulty figuring out what goal you pursued by writing the paper. This will also provide your audience with a roadmap that will let them know what path your argument will follow and how your essay corresponds with the title.

The body paragraphs (also referred to as 'the meat of the essay') are quite easy to write, as compared to the introduction. When working on them, make sure to state all your ideas or reasons convincingly, providing vivid evidence in support of your viewpoint or opinion. Keep in mind that examples are the main pieces of evidence that will help the reader follow your line of reasoning, so be really careful in selecting them.

When you're faced with the question of how to write a conclusion for an opinion essay, there is a standard way to follow. The main goal here is to:

  1. Restate your opinion.
  2. Provide a summary of all the reasons you've put forward.
  3. Leave the reader with an interesting final thought.

Remember - no new ideas are to be brought up in this paragraph.

Good Opinion Essay Topics

The secret to writing a good essay of any type lies in choosing a good and interesting topic for your essay. Be mindful that if the topic isn't really exciting to you, then the chances of the reader liking your paper are virtually null. Please, see below for a list of topics that may come in handy to you when dealing with the opinion essay challenge:

  1. Are parents or guardians the most efficient teachers?
  2. How is people's behavior influenced by the movies or television programs they watch?
  3. Marijuana is known for its healing benefits. But what are the negative effects of its wide availability?
  4. What causes people to leave their countries and search for a better life elsewhere?
  5. Should students be allowed to have personal cell phones on the school premises?
  6. Should English, it being an international language, be compulsory for all students, even though their native language is French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, etc.?
  7. Have people become too dependent on the Internet and less on their brain?
  8. What is the right age for people to start dating?
  9. Should the government place a tax on junk food?
  10. Are athletes, soccer players, artists, and actors being overpaid?

These are just some of the topics we can come up with for your opinion essay. There are more where these came from. Moreso, we can even write it all for you! Just click on the Order button, and get an essay of your dreams!

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