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How to Write an Expository Essay and Get the Highest Grade

Since the early part of all academic careers, students are asked to write at least one expository essay. And that's just in your first term or so! There are more those essays to come, on a wide array of topics and discussing the vast area of issues. This article will render unto you all of the basic skills necessary to help with essay writing which will meet all of your professor's requirements, and even more. The question at hand here is the "How to write an expository essay?" one. Whenever you write an expository essay, you need to make sure that you are doing enough planning before you frame the final version of the essay. Unlike other essays that can be worked along the flow, this type of essay needs a great deal of planning. There are certain specific guidelines for good expository essay that should be wisely and aptly used.

Just like any other type of essay, you have to have the required amount of information relating to the topic on which you are writing an essay. You ought to have not just basic information but well-researched information for the paper that can actually help you present a good and ideal expository essay.

You have to write an expository essay in the manner that it is supposed to be written in; you have to try and place the details well. If you are unable to do that, it could actually affect your essay ratings. There are some people who immediately start after having all the information about the topic at hand. It is wise first to set the researched information in order and based on that one should start penning down the information accordingly.

The best part about getting the research information in order is that it helps you write quickly. For those who are not so interested in writing an expository essay and are doing so only as part of their job profile, they can rely on the above-mentioned tip to get done with their work sooner. It prevents from wasting any time checking on the information again, and it should be avoided especially during writing because one tends to commit errors and it could cost you a lot in the end.

What is an expository essay indeed?

Expository essay definition, actually, is a kind of writing which is utilized to give information, describe, and explain. The text will be organized revolving around a single topic and enhanced according to a combination of patterns or a single pattern only. The expository text writer could not take the assumption that a listener and a reader has prior understanding and knowledge of the main topic which is being made a subject of discussion. Since the clarity characteristic requires a strong organization, one important mechanism in order to improve exposition skills is to enhance the text organization.

Expository essay structure for your understanding

An essay structure is a basic but efficient means of preparing for any type of essay. It helps you to organize your ideas better and ensure that all points and ideas are sufficiently explored when you are writing an expository essay. An outline does not necessarily have to be formal in structure, but if not accustomed to essay writing or simply unfamiliar with a topic its better to create a formal outline that clearly shows the connections between ideas, supportive evidence, and your thesis statement. Though for less formal papers, or more familiar subjects, an outline can be loosely organized and followed before and after research is conducted by easily typing or writing out a list of categories and sub-points to cover.

Additionally, a significant and viable means of producing a quality essay is to not only provide a sufficient argument with appropriate evidence but to also adhere to some set traits of writing. Most writing traits are tried and proven and if executed properly can do nothing but yield an exceptional essay. An example of these types of traits include the well-known seven traits of writing (or 6+1) which include: having sound and interesting ideas, appropriate and logical organization, a clear and distinct voice, varied choice of words, fluid sentences, proper grammar usage and mechanics, and a professional and polished presentation.

How to start an expository essay

The steps for writing an expository essay are simple and similar to other forms of essays.

  1. Select a topic
  2. Decide on the type of expository essay you'll be writing
  3. Form a working thesis statement
  4. Start writing!

Numbers 1 & 2 are interchangeable. For instance, you may have a specific type of essay to fulfill for an assignment that does not require that you select a topic, or as detailed above, you already have a subject in mind and must decide on how to present it and which essay format would be best to use.

Easy steps, right? But the important question is "how to write an expository essay introduction"? In this kind of essay, your introduction can be expressed through the thesis statement.

How to write a thesis statement for an expository essay

The thesis statement is generally found in the introductory paragraph or page of most essays and term papers. It's a crucial piece of information that reflects precisely the topics and points that will be covered in your essay or paper. A thesis statement clearly expresses to the reader your main idea. It also unifies the various elements manifested in the explanation or description of that idea. The thesis statement can be described by its ability to:

  • summarize
  • be specific and concise
  • inform the audience of what to expect
  • be supported by the evidence presented in the paper
  • answer the question that was posed or fulfill the requirements of the assignment (if applicable)
  • be limited to one or two sentences.

As seen in the title of this section, the term 'working thesis' is used to provide flexibility to the composer in making changes and adjustments to his or her thesis statement as they progress in their writing. Sometimes the initial direction you choose may not be the one that you choose to pursue. This can be for several reasons. Perhaps because of research or simply due to an evolution of your ideas, you may decide to alter your thesis statement later on down the line. This is fine and often happens during the writing process. For this reason, some people actually choose not to finalize their thesis statement until the very end of their essay construction. That solves "how to write a hook for an expository essay" problem.

How to write a body paragraph for an expository essay

  • Tip #1: Provide facts and information that are beneficial to the reader

Since the purpose of an expository essay writing is to inform through analysis, a good essay will satisfy this purpose by adequately informing the reader with supportive evidence, examples and any other information that will relay the main objective and message of the essay. In essence, all writing should strive to be beneficial to the reader. But all too often students or writers may become enwrapped in the goal of completing an assignment and forget about really how helpful that information is that they are providing. Expository writing relies heavily on facts- so in creating any type of essay under this category, it's very important to properly research and investigate support evidence before including them in your paper. Reliable information is good information. One of the best ways to win over a reader (whether they be a consumer or your professor) is to provide adequate and sufficient findings that prove the reliability and dependability of your research efforts.

  • Tip #2: Avoid biased or slighted information

Though the writing in this category does involve providing and sustaining a point, its purpose weighs more on the informative end of things rather than the persuasive end. So providing evidence to support a claim or judgment is not the same as providing those proofs to persuade or convince (as with argumentative or persuasive essays for example). Because of this, it is important to avoid presenting biased and slighted information when supporting a claim. Though most writing contains some type of bias, with expository writing its very important to stick as close to the facts as possible and provide the reader with a well rounded, objective view of the topic.

  • Tip #3: Choose a topic that you're connected to

This may seem like one of the last things to consider when thinking of how to improve your essay, but believe it or not, this one step can not only improve your efficiency and competency in covering the topic but also make the experience more enjoyable for you and the reader. A lot of times the energy from the writer spills over into the work, and any amount of enthusiasm and eagerness you execute can manifest itself in your writing. This may come in the form of realistic, personal examples as well as insightful thoughts and considerations in the conclusion section of your paper.

  • Tip#4: Select variables that will make a good argument

A key factor in creating essays that compare two or more items, such as for cause and effect, compare and contrast or problem-solution essays, is to make sure that each item illustrates a clear and sound relationship to the other. For example, if writing a problem-solution essay on the problem of teenage alcohol and drug abuse when expanding upon various solutions each solution you present needs to be one that can effectively solve the problem at hand. Likewise, the way that solution works or proves to be sufficient should also be detailed with evidence, examples, and illustrations.

How to write a conclusion for an expository essay

After you are done with filling the essay, you get right to the conclusion. It won't be a great idea to conclude with a summary, and it will be better to answer questions like: "Why is it important?", "What is the meaning of written above?". Link your conclusion with the introduction and make it clearer, try to widen your thesis.

Expository essay topics

  • Examples for science studies
  1. How can virtual reality technology change our world?
  2. Causes of a global warm
  3. What impact has bioengineering on people?
  4. Why do scientists improve flu vaccine every year?
  5. How does our brain develop through the lifetime?
  6. What is important in black holes?
  7. Why do people have sound warms?
  8. Does coffee make us chipper?
  9. Does DNA really contain all ancestor data?
  10. Why did Dinosaurs die?
  • Social problems essay examples
  1. What happens to juveniles if they become criminals?
  2. Why do children bully others?
  3. Why is affirmative action important?
  4. How does single-parenting affect the child?
  5. Do social media impact interpersonal relationships?
  6. Why kids run out of home?
  7. The science of sexual identity.
  8. How does broken glass theory work?
  9. How do freshmen adapt to the college life
  10. What causes people to become homeless?

Expository essay outline example

Here is an example of your outline. The topic will be "What is heroism?"

Thesis statement

Heroism or an act of bravery consists of risking a life for others' good and contradict the creature's nature...

  • Topic #1

Fact: Heroes are different from the civilians because they act instead of watching.Evidence.

Analysis: Heroes are more filled with empathy and will to live by the social ethical code.

  • Topic#2

Fact: Heroes in a war from one side - injure people from the other side.Evidence.

Analysis: The same person can be presented as a hero and as a villain in one time.

  • Conclusion

You can conclude with a question, summary or discussion

Question: After analyzing the information above there is a question: Is heroism natural?

Summary: From this information, we can conclude that heroism is a compulsive wish to help.

Discussion: Is heroism natural? Maybe, the concept of heroism is based on some mental problems of the person who is called "a hero"?

That's all the tips on writing an expository essay from us! But if that's all looks really complicated and you are not sure that you can do it great enough for your grade, do not hesitate to order your work from us. Our support agent will help you to custom it as perfect as it can be and our team of professional writers will write it as soon as you need it.

What is an expository essay indeed?

Expository essay definition, actually, is a kind of writing which is utilized to give information, describe, and explain. The text will be organized revolving around a single topic and enhanced according to a combination of patterns or a single pattern only. The expository text writer could not take the assumption that a listener and a reader has prior understanding and knowledge of the main topic which is being made a subject of discussion. Since the clarity characteristic requires a strong organization, one important mechanism in order to improve exposition skills is to enhance the text organization.

Expository essay structure for your understanding

An essay structure is a basic but efficient means of preparing for any type of essay. It helps you to organize your ideas better and ensure that all points and ideas are sufficiently explored when you are writing an expository essay. An outline does not necessarily have to be formal in structure, but if not accustomed to essay writing or simply unfamiliar with a topic its better to create a formal outline that clearly shows the connections between ideas, supportive evidence, and your thesis statement. Though for less formal papers, or more familiar subjects, an outline can be loosely organized and followed before and after research is conducted by easily typing or writing out a list of categories and sub-points to cover.

Additionally, a significant and viable means of producing a quality essay is to not only provide a sufficient argument with appropriate evidence but to also adhere to some set traits of writing. Most writing traits are tried and proven and if executed properly can do nothing but yield an exceptional essay. An example of these types of traits include the well-known seven traits of writing (or 6+1) which include: having sound and interesting ideas, appropriate and logical organization, a clear and distinct voice, varied choice of words, fluid sentences, proper grammar usage and mechanics, and a professional and polished presentation.

How to start an expository essay

The steps for writing an expository essay are simple and similar to other forms of essays.

  1. Select a topic
  2. Decide on the type of expository essay you'll be writing
  3. Form a working thesis statement
  4. Start writing!

Numbers 1 & 2 are interchangeable. For instance, you may have a specific type of essay to fulfill for an assignment that does not require that you select a topic, or as detailed above, you already have a subject in mind and must decide on how to present it and which essay format would be best to use.

Easy steps, right? But the important question is "how to write an expository essay introduction"? In this kind of essay, your introduction can be expressed through the thesis statement.

How to write a thesis statement for an expository essay

The thesis statement is generally found in the introductory paragraph or page of most essays and term papers. It's a crucial piece of information that reflects precisely the topics and points that will be covered in your essay or paper. A thesis statement clearly expresses to the reader your main idea. It also unifies the various elements manifested in the explanation or description of that idea. The thesis statement can be described by its ability to:

  • summarize
  • be specific and concise
  • inform the audience of what to expect
  • be supported by the evidence presented in the paper
  • answer the question that was posed or fulfill the requirements of the assignment (if applicable)
  • be limited to one or two sentences.

As seen in the title of this section, the term 'working thesis' is used to provide flexibility to the composer in making changes and adjustments to his or her thesis statement as they progress in their writing. Sometimes the initial direction you choose may not be the one that you choose to pursue. This can be for several reasons. Perhaps because of research or simply due to an evolution of your ideas, you may decide to alter your thesis statement later on down the line. This is fine and often happens during the writing process. For this reason, some people actually choose not to finalize their thesis statement until the very end of their essay construction. That solves "how to write a hook for an expository essay" problem.

How to write a body paragraph for an expository essay

  • Tip #1: Provide facts and information that are beneficial to the reader

Since the purpose of an expository essay writing is to inform through analysis, a good essay will satisfy this purpose by adequately informing the reader with supportive evidence, examples and any other information that will relay the main objective and message of the essay. In essence, all writing should strive to be beneficial to the reader. But all too often students or writers may become enwrapped in the goal of completing an assignment and forget about really how helpful that information is that they are providing. Expository writing relies heavily on facts- so in creating any type of essay under this category, it's very important to properly research and investigate support evidence before including them in your paper. Reliable information is good information. One of the best ways to win over a reader (whether they be a consumer or your professor) is to provide adequate and sufficient findings that prove the reliability and dependability of your research efforts.

  • Tip #2: Avoid biased or slighted information

Though the writing in this category does involve providing and sustaining a point, its purpose weighs more on the informative end of things rather than the persuasive end. So providing evidence to support a claim or judgment is not the same as providing those proofs to persuade or convince (as with argumentative or persuasive essays for example). Because of this, it is important to avoid presenting biased and slighted information when supporting a claim. Though most writing contains some type of bias, with expository writing its very important to stick as close to the facts as possible and provide the reader with a well rounded, objective view of the topic.

  • Tip #3: Choose a topic that you're connected to

This may seem like one of the last things to consider when thinking of how to improve your essay, but believe it or not, this one step can not only improve your efficiency and competency in covering the topic but also make the experience more enjoyable for you and the reader. A lot of times the energy from the writer spills over into the work, and any amount of enthusiasm and eagerness you execute can manifest itself in your writing. This may come in the form of realistic, personal examples as well as insightful thoughts and considerations in the conclusion section of your paper.

  • Tip#4: Select variables that will make a good argument

A key factor in creating essays that compare two or more items, such as for cause and effect, compare and contrast or problem-solution essays, is to make sure that each item illustrates a clear and sound relationship to the other. For example, if writing a problem-solution essay on the problem of teenage alcohol and drug abuse when expanding upon various solutions each solution you present needs to be one that can effectively solve the problem at hand. Likewise, the way that solution works or proves to be sufficient should also be detailed with evidence, examples, and illustrations.

How to write a conclusion for an expository essay

After you are done with filling the essay, you get right to the conclusion. It won't be a great idea to conclude with a summary, and it will be better to answer questions like: "Why is it important?", "What is the meaning of written above?". Link your conclusion with the introduction and make it clearer, try to widen your thesis.

Expository essay topics

  • Examples for science studies
  1. How can virtual reality technology change our world?
  2. Causes of a global warm
  3. What impact has bioengineering on people?
  4. Why do scientists improve flu vaccine every year?
  5. How does our brain develop through the lifetime?
  6. What is important in black holes?
  7. Why do people have sound warms?
  8. Does coffee make us chipper?
  9. Does DNA really contain all ancestor data?
  10. Why did Dinosaurs die?
  • Social problems essay examples
  1. What happens to juveniles if they become criminals?
  2. Why do children bully others?
  3. Why is affirmative action important?
  4. How does single-parenting affect the child?
  5. Do social media impact interpersonal relationships?
  6. Why kids run out of home?
  7. The science of sexual identity.
  8. How does broken glass theory work?
  9. How do freshmen adapt to the college life
  10. What causes people to become homeless?

Expository essay outline example

Here is an example of your outline. The topic will be "What is heroism?"

Thesis statement

Heroism or an act of bravery consists of risking a life for others' good and contradict the creature's nature...

  • Topic #1

Fact: Heroes are different from the civilians because they act instead of watching.Evidence.

Analysis: Heroes are more filled with empathy and will to live by the social ethical code.

  • Topic#2

Fact: Heroes in a war from one side - injure people from the other side.Evidence.

Analysis: The same person can be presented as a hero and as a villain in one time.

  • Conclusion

You can conclude with a question, summary or discussion

Question: After analyzing the information above there is a question: Is heroism natural?

Summary: From this information, we can conclude that heroism is a compulsive wish to help.

Discussion: Is heroism natural? Maybe, the concept of heroism is based on some mental problems of the person who is called "a hero"?

That's all the tips on writing an expository essay from us! But if that's all looks really complicated and you are not sure that you can do it great enough for your grade, do not hesitate to order your work from us. Our support agent will help you to custom it as perfect as it can be and our team of professional writers will write it as soon as you need it.

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